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Scholarship – Application
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By including your name above, you are verifying the accuracy of all information on this Application and that it is solely your work product.
Parish Name
Grade school name
Principal's name
8th grade teacher(s) names
High school you will be attending
Reason for selecting this high school, and how do you feel it will benefit your education?
Why have you chosen a Catholic high school education?
Title of your favorite book and why it is your favorite?
What are your favorite activities?
would in This
What is something new you'd like to try in high school?
Do you have any early thoughts or ideas about a career or future studies?
Accomplishments either in or out of school which have given you the greatest personal satisfaction?
How has your Catholic faith influenced your life?
How has your family influenced your education?
Share a role model in your life and what have your learned from them?
List school, church, and community activities you were involved during your 7th and 8th grade school years. Here are a number of examples to consider, but you are not limited to these (athletics, coaching, music, choir, band, clubs, science Olympiad, tutoring, scouts, charity runs/walks, food pantry help, drama/plays, altar server, church youth trips, Christian Formation Programs, charitable community activities, etc.).
Since there is no personal interview in the Scholarship selection process, write a brief story about yourself. This could involve an event or person that influenced you; overcoming a personal hardship; a sermon, class, or book that made you think differently; anything along the lines of interests, ambitions, aims, ideals, hobbies that will tell us about you. This is meant to be a brief story, so limit your words to what would fit on a single typed page.
Section Below to be Completed by Student's Parent (Name)
Preferred Phone #(s)